Tuesday, March 31, 2009

accompanied through our pain

i've been slacking and sadly not keeping up with this site.
for today i'd like to share something that a close friend sent to me. she sent it to me because she found strength in them thought that i might see it too. i'm giving them to you in hopes that you too will find that strength.
from my dear friend maggie:
it's okay to have a good day. really. it's okay to be doing okay and to feel like our life is manageable and on track. many of us have learned as part of our survival behaviors that the way to get the attention and approval we want is to be victims. if life is awful, too difficult, unmanageable, too hard, unfair, then others will accept, like, and approve of us, we think. we may have learned this from living and associating with people who also learned to survive by being a victim. we are not victims. we do not need to be victimized. we do not need to be helpless and out of control to get the attention and love we desire. in fact, the kind of love we are seeking cannot be obtained that way. we can get the love we really want and need by only owning our power. we learn that we can stand on our own two feet, even though it sometimes feels good to lean a little. we learn that the people we are leaning on are not holding us up. they are standing next to us. we all have bad days -- days when things are not going the way we'd like, days when we have feelings of sadness and fear. but we can deal with our bad days and darker feelings in ways that reflect self-responsibility rather than victimization. it's okay to have a good day too. we might not have as much to talk about, but we'll have more to enjoy


it is time to stop this nonsense of running around picking on ourselves. we may have walked through much of our life apologizing for ourselves either directly or indirectly -- feeling less valuable than others, believing that they know better than we do, and believing that somehow others are meant to be here and we are not. we have a right to be here. we have a right to be ourselves. we are here. there is a purpose, a reason, and an intention for our life. we do not have to apologize for being here or being who we are. we are good enough, and deserving. others do not have our magic. we have our magic. it is in us. it doesn't matter what we've done in our past. we all have a past, woven with mistakes, successes and learning experiences. we have a right to our past. it is ours. it has worked to shape and form us. as we progress on this journey, we shall see how each of our experiences will be turned around and used for good. we have already spent too much time being ashamed, being apologetic, and doubting the beauty of ourselves. be done with it. let it go. it is an unnecessary burden. others have rights, but so do we. we are neither less than nor more than. we are equal. we are who we are. this is who we were created and intended to be. that, my friend, is a wonderful gift.

love you.

and i love all you. i am blessed to have such people to lean on and i hope they find comfort in being able to lean back. more and more i'm learning that i can't expect myself to hold other people up just as i would never want them to carry the responsibility of holding me. but i am grateful for their support and their words. and i believe whole heartedly that this, all of this, will not be the end of us. we are too strong.
i hope that each of you will find april a new and refreshing month, that it's raindrops and storms will find you in peace.